Mauro Cosenza Machado was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, on December 7, 1988.
At the age of 18, his life takes a resounding turn when he discovers the world of urban circus artists and begins with the art of juggling, first as a hobby and then as a profession. Some time later he discovers his love and adoration for the clown.
Independent multi-artist, specialized in circus performing arts as creator, performer, director and producer. His line of research links juggling, dance and humor. Currently, he investigates the interaction of the body with multimedia and digital art. His training is essentially self-taught, he began in 2007 at the Circo Trevenchi school and then chose his own renowned teachers such as: Victor Avalos (Tomate), Pablo Mikozzi, Javier Pinto, Emiliano Sanchez Alessi, Luke Wilson, Marco Paoleti, Mikel Ayala, Sebastian Rojo, Roberto Escobar / Igon Lerchundi (Fisco Theater School). He completed the Contemporary Dance Training of the Marte Project in Montevideo. He participated in courses at the Oswald de Andrade Cultural Center, in São Paulo: “Poetics of Resistance with the Cia. De Danza Corpocena. "Poetics da Escuta" with Felipe Reibero. “Poetics and Politics of Appearances with Karla Girotto. He participates in the dance residence "Atelie de Solos" with the choreographer and dancer Beth Bastos. “O Som e as Artes Performaticas” with Miguel Caldas. He carried out the "Digital Connection" Training Campus for musicians and creators with Contrapedal Conecta. At the Centro Cultural España in Buenos Aires he took the course “Shaders as a creative tool for visual development”. He is currently doing an International Master in Multimedia Creation for the Show at Laba Valencia school of art design and new media.
He participated with his creations in almost 100 festivals, circus and performing arts conventions in countries of America and Europe. As an artist and director, he participated in stage projects with artists and companies: Circo Tranzat, Coletivo Nopok, LosCircoLos, Marcelo Rondini (Mamute), Bernardo Ouro Preto, among others.
He has also actively participated in circus spaces such as: La Invisible Circo, El Picadero and Tristán Periferia in Montevideo; at the Trivenchi Cultural Center in Buenos Aires; Circo La Pertiga space in Madrid, Circo Officina Porto Fluviale in Rome and Casa da Arvore in Brasilia, Tendal da Lapa in São Paulo, among others.
He has been part of the organization of different festivals such as: 1st and 2nd Ozomatli International Circus Festival in Mexico City, Mexico; 2nd Rodo Circo Festival in Montevideo Uruguay; 1st FestiRua in Brasilia, Brazil.